Wednesday, September 19, 2012

On Hold at Hilton

As you can see from the title we are still on hold. Last night Dr. Henderson called us to say that he can't do the surgery, but there is another doctor here who he refers to Georgetown University Hospital who is willing to do my surgery. The doctor's name is Dr. Sandhu he actually trained under Dr. Henderson so we trust him. The only problem is that he is booked up! Dr. Henderson called in a favor so he's going to try to fit me in as soon as he can. Depending on when that is, my Dad will either stay longer or leave soon then come back when I'm have surgery. That's where we are now so like my Aunt Monica said, 'Let's hope she gets on that OR table soon!'.

The movie Judge Dredd is coming out on Friday (the original was with Sylvester Stallone) so Dad and I are probably going to go see that, it's too bloody for Mom. I never thought I'd say this, but I really hope I'm not seeing that movie and that I'm in the hospital! My friend Karen is coming on Thursday because she has a follow up with Dr. Henderson so we'll get to see her and my Auntie Aurora hopefully! Today we're going to stop by Dr. Henderson's office to get my records then look at a place for us to stay in Georgetown that's closer to the hospital. Yay for hotel hunting....
At least we'll be closer to Georgetown Cupcakes!

All my love ~ The Sic(k) Chick

1 comment:

  1. New hotel? Hope you can enjoy the amenities. If not, see previous recommended videos and apply prank to hotel people for more fun. Lol. Aurora reminds me of Bewitched for some reason. Have I got the names mixed up.

    Hoping you are enjoying your cupcakes. ;)
